How to make Lamington Boba Tea
What type?
Bobarista Recipe
Claire Bradley
Cook Time:
5-25 min
From Claire: "The lamington is my go-to treat walking into a bakery, especially if there's jam lamingtons. After buying both Chocolate Tea kit and a Coconut Tea kit I had to mix them together, and it had a laming-tonne of flavour 😛"
1-2 Tablespoons of Chocolate Powder
2 Tablespoons of Coconut Powder
1/2 Cup of Ice
250ml hot water
Let's make the Lamington Boba Tea:
In a 500mL cup, add 1-2 table spoons of chocolate and 2 table spoons of coconut powder.
Pour hot water and mix to dissolve.
Allow to cool, then add half a cup of ice and add strawberry popping pearls (optional)